Monday, December 10, 2018

To New Beginnings

It's been two and a half years since we moved into our 1925 colonial house in the Hill Country of Texas.  We're actually downtown in a small town outside of San Antonio, so no views of the hills but more like sounds of trains, sirens and church bells.  My husband and I are both from Texas and have always adored this little town.  In fact, we've stayed here many times and dreamed about what it would be like to live here.  Now that we do live here, sometimes it's everything we thought it would be and other times we're left scratching our heads wondering what the heck we were thinking buying a 90 year old house!

     When we moved here it was a trying time in life.  Uprooting our teen son and preteen girl was upsetting for us all.  We loved our house and neighbors in the BIG city of Houston but it was getting harder and harder to travel back and forth to see family.  James, my husband, was stressed about starting a new job in our new little town, and I was gearing up to homeschool my youngest, our daughter.  Her academic struggles in school had gotten so bad that it seemed the best thing to do.  We didn't know we were moving for sure when we made that big decision!

So I really don't recommend moving, starting a new job, starting to homeschool and buying a 90 year old house at the same time!  Needless to say, the past couple of years have had us just "surviving".  We've done some major renovations, and gotten caught off guard with other projects like plumbing and wiring issues that have put a dent in our savings.

{This would be a 10 ft ditch in our front yard for new plumbing!}

It's always been a dream of mine to redo an old house and blog about it.  I finally got one but was so overwhelmed with everything that blogging just kept getting pushed aside.  Things are settling down a bit here as much as life ever is "settled".  My girl is back in public school and doing well.  (I may write that story another day!) I don't spend my days reading out loud for hours and watching videos online on how to best teach algebra anymore.  I have the time now to really focus on this house and make it our home and I hope that you come along with me! 

{The kitchen "in progress"}

Stick around for some posts about our remodels that we've already done, my inspirations for them and for simple updates that I can do until we fix that dent in our savings.  You can follow me on Instagram @hillcountrycolonial too!  And please leave a comment below letting me know where you're from so I can get to know you better!